To provide ongoing services to Youth and the Rochester community.
We are committed to providing scholarships and supporting the education of our youth.
Becoming involved in the community by providing services to individuals and family in need and support and collaborate with other organizations to effect change.
Thanksgiving Baskets delivered by Sister Liz Cowart to three families for the 2024 Holiday!
S strong in commitment
I involved in service
S sensitive to others
T thankful of existence
E eager to share
R rich in generosity
S Spiritually motivated
F fair in judgement
O Obedient to our cause
R reaching out to others
A aiming for perfection
B backwards never, forward ever
E enthusiastic in all efforts
T tender in our dealings with others
T tried and true
E elements of encouragement
R rivers of strength
B black, proud and positive
L loyal to our race
A assistant in resources
C courageous and courteous
K kind to all people
C community oriented
O Open to new commitments
M mentors to our youth
M mature in wisdom
U unity minded
N negotiators of faith
I instruments of innovation
T triumphantly moving onward and upward
Y yielding to progress
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